
Pathway Choice – My pathway choice is the art pathway. I chose to do this as I am a lot more confident with the artistic side of things than the programming side, this way I won’t have to do as much complex programming. I would also like to make a nice looking prototype.

Kraken Attack

Outline – This game will be a side-scrolling horror game in which the player is aboard a submarine that is being attacked by a kraken. The aim of the game is for the player to run through all of the parts of the submarine to find a switch to open an escape pod chamber. The player then needs to run from the switch to the escape pod and escape. They do all of this while avoiding obstacles.

Ideas Generation – In this section I will be showing off my notes.

These are some brief UI ideas that I did in a 2D art session:

SoundMenuControlsMenuWinLose MessagegameUI

I will use these sketches as a wireframe to base the layout of my level on.

I also made a flow chart of how my UI would work and how the menus would flow:

UI flow chart

Visual Assets – The visual assets I will need to create for this level are:

  • Background
  • Platforms
  • Player
  • Switch
  • Obstacles
  • Kraken (Tentacles,Eyes)
  • Menu

Game Mechanics – The mechanics I would need in this game are:

  • Some sort of trigger or interaction system for the switch to escape.
  • A health system.
  • A timer to escape in.
  • A Win Condition.
  • Triggers to activate jumpscares/sounds.

Characters – The characters in this game would be:

  • Player (Unnamed)
  • Kraken
  • Cabin Crew

Sound – Some sound I would need to implement into this game are:

  • Player footsteps
  • Water drops/leak sounds
  • Crashes
  • Screams
  • Ambient Sounds (Echoes, wind, breathing)
  • Switch sound
  • Escape sound
  • Death sound

Visual Style – The visual style I would use is Monochrome. Which is a similar style that is used in games like Limbo and Inside:


I will refer back to this list regularly so I know exactly what I need to do.