Initial Ideas

My chosen specialism for this project is concept art.

Project Ideas

In this section I will list 4 different project ideas based on my chosen specialism for the project.

Idea 1

I will produce 6 concept boards for this idea. I will create three different portals, that would go into 2 boards, one with colour and the other black and white. I would create this to show the design process of the portal as I will include the portal as a monument in the center of the city concept. I would also create a lost city that is on top of a mountain that would go into 4 boards. I would space it out into 4 boards so that I can show 4 different views of the city. This idea links to the theme forgotten as the lost city has been forgotten about. And the portal relates to it as it goes to an unknown world. Here is some examples of how I would lay out my exhibition boards if I were to do this idea:

Mind Map

I would create it in a cel-shaded art style. I would use this art style as it is something that I would like to try and experiment with.

The colours that I would use would be a range of greys and greens for the landscapes around the city because I want them to be some grasslands with mountains and cliffs.  I would also have some bright colours like purple and blue for the portals as they would be magic. And some dark blues to purples for the city as I want it to be night.

Here are some good examples of the colour palettes that I would use:







I like this idea as I think it would be cool to create my own city. I also like the idea of using the cel-shaded art style as it is something different that I haven’t tried before. I do think that a full city with surrounding landscape would be quite difficult to pull off.

Idea 2

I will create 4 concept boards for this idea. I will create a derelict water park environment concept. With 2 boards of 2 different views of the environment and another 2 showing the design process of two objects in the environment. This relates to the theme forgotten because it is a derelict environment. Which means it has been abandoned and forgotten. I think that 4 exhibition boards would be enough to showcase my creation process and my final product.

Mind Map

I would create it in a cel-shaded art style with some pop-art aspects as I will be adding graffiti to walls.

The colours that I would be using for this environment would be dark colours like blacks, greys and browns with some brighter colours for things like graffiti.

These are some good examples of the colour palette that I would use if I chose this idea:





I like the idea of creating a derelict environment as there is a lot of things that I could add to it.

Idea 3

I will create 6 boards for this idea. I will create two roman character concepts that would go onto 2 boards, one of them would be the characters in black and white, and the other will be the characters in colour. That way there would be a clear representation of my development process for the characters. I will also create a monument scene with greek architecture that would go onto 4 boards, the monument in the scene will be a monolith. 2 of these boards will be the design process of the monument and parts of the scene like the patterns for the walls and any other objects that will be in the scene. This links to the theme because the scene will be in roman architecture which isn’t used anymore. The roman characters relate to the theme as they are from ancient rome. Here are some good examples of how I would lay out some of my boards if I were to do this as my final idea:

Mind Map

I would create it in cel-shaded art style.

The colours that I would use for the roman characters would be light to dark gold for the metals and browns and reds for any fabrics. Here are some good examples of colour palettes I would use:




colour4colour 5

The colours that I would use for the environment would be light to dark browns for the architecture with some greens for any plants or overgrowth. Here are some good examples of colour palettes I would use:





I really like this idea as I really like greek architecture as it is unique and something that I haven’t done before. It is manageable for the time that I have for the project.

Idea 4

I will create 4 concept boards for this idea. I will create an Egyptian tomb environment. I will include a sarcophagus object and a shrine object that I will show on 2 separate boards as they will be two main parts of the full environment.The 2 boards of the full environment will show a zoomed out view and a focused view. Here are some good examples of how I would lay out my exhibition boards if I did this as my final idea:

Mind Map

I would create it in a cel-shaded art style.

The colours that I would use if I did this idea would be a range of yellow shades for the sandstone walls and reds and blues for the sarcophagus and shrine. Here are some good examples of some colour palettes I could use if I chose this idea:


I like this idea as I am interested by egyptian architecture and think that it would be cool to create a concept piece based on this. I think that it is manageable for the time that I have.


In this section I will evaluate all of my ideas and decide on which one to choose for my final project. I like idea 1 as I like the idea of creating my own city. I like the idea of using a cel-shaded art style as it is something that I’ve always wanted to try and experiment with. Although, I feel that creating a city with surround landscape and portals would be a bit too much for me to do in the time that I have for the project. I like idea 2 as I like the idea of creating a derelict theme park as there is a lot of things that I could add to it. I am not choosing this idea because I don’t think I would be able to create a full environment with different views in the time that I have. I really like idea 3 as I like the idea of creating 2 ancient greek characters, I think that there would be a lot of things I could do in terms of how they look. Also I really like the idea of creating a monolith and a shrine object as I think that there is a lot of different ways that they can look . I also think that this idea is manageable and I wouldn’t be overwhelmed with work to meet deadlines. I like idea 4 as I like the egyptian architecture and think that it would be interesting creating concept art on it. Of all of my ideas, I like idea 3 the most and have chosen that as my final idea.

The idea that I have chosen as my final idea for my project is Idea 3

I had to shorten my idea choice for it to be ok to do as my final project. SO now i will be doing a monolith and shrine object rather than the environment.

Final Idea Outline

Ancient Greece

In this project I will create 2 roman soldier inspired characters. I will also show the development of a monolith object and a shrine object. This relates to forgotten as roman armour isn’t used anymore and monoliths are of unknown origin. The shrine will relate to the theme as I will base it around roman architecture, which isn’t built anymore and is historic. The work that I will need to produce is a male roman soldier character concept, a female roman soldier character concept, a monolith concept, and a shrine concept. The resources that I will need to produce this work are Photoshop for any digital art, a sketchpad for any designs/ideas, and a drawing tablet for any digital art.

Mood Boards on Idea

Roman Soldier Mood Board

Soldier Mood Board

This is a focused mood board on male and female roman soldier concept art. This mood board will be useful for when I come to designing my character concepts. This board gives me ideas on how I could lay out my board, for example, the 3rd picture along on the bottom showing different views of the head, I would like to do something like this to show a full turnaround of my design. It also gives me ideas of the way the characters could stand, for example the 2nd picture along on the top has the soldier puffing himself up to look more intimidating, I could use this mood board to help with my character stance ideas.

Monolith Mood Board

This is a mood board of monoliths. I like this as they are all different shapes and sizes. I like this as there is a lot of different looks that it can have. I particularly like the bottom left picture as it has a person next to it to show the scale of it. I can use this mood board to give me ideas on what i can create.

Shrine Mood Board

This is a mood board of shrines. I only found a few pictures but will find some more in my developed research. I like the top left picture as it is the kind of shrine that I want to create. I will use this mood board to give me some more ideas when i come to creating my ideas.