Initial Ideas

In this section I will make 4 ideas for a game that I could make. I will pick the idea I like the most and use that for my project.

2D Side-Scroller Action-Horror-Stealth Game

Pathway – The pathway would be technical because I would have to implement some sort of AI for the enemies to detect the player. I would also need to implement a sneaking/hiding system.

Basic Storyline – The player is a prisoner being transported underwater in a submarine and they escape their cell. The aim of the game is to escape the submarine without being seen by any of the guards.

Game Mechanics – The mechanics I would need in this game are:

  • An awareness system for the enemies, I could set a time that it takes for the enemies to detect the player when they are in their view.
  • A sneaking system and a hiding system. Maybe some dark corners where the player is unseen.
  • Movement.
  • Projectiles for weapons like silenced pistols and blunt throwables.
  • Climbing System.

Visual Style – I think that vector art would be the perfect art style for this game as the platforms can look more 3D, making things like hiding behind walls easier.

Assets – Some Assets I would need to create are:

  • Player
  • Enemies
  • Guns
  • Background
  • Platforms


  • Player
  • Enemies
  • Other Prisoners
  • Boss

Sound – Some sound that I would need to implement into my game would be:

  • Player climb sound
  • Player death sound
  • Soundtrack
  • Enemy spotted sound
  • Enemy death sound
  • Movement sound (both enemies and the player)
  • Completion sound/theme
  • Gunshots
  • Throw sound

2D Top Down Tower Defense Game

Pathway – The pathway for this game would be technical, as I would have to implement a pathfinding system for the enemies and a detection system for the defenses.

Basic Storyline – The player has to defend an island of plunder from waves of pirates in ships by placing down defenses like cannons and mines.

Game Mechanics – The mechanics I would need in this game are:

  • Pathfinding system for the enemies to navigate around the level.
  • A system that counts how many ships have passed the defenses and how many have not in each level.
  • Point and click spawning system.

The game would flow like this:

  • Attackers spawn
  • Attackers start moving
  • Defenses fire

Visual Style – For this game I would use vector art, as I would be able to make a nice looking level in a short amount of time.

Assets – Some of the assets I would need to create for this game are:

  • Defenses
  • Enemies
  • Tilemap for the level
  • Projectiles like cannonballs
  • Explosions for mines


There wouldn’t really be any characters in a tower defense game.

Sound – Some sound I would need to implement into this game is:

  • Ambient sounds like waves and seagulls
  • Enemy shoot sound
  • Enemy death sound
  • Miss sound like a splash
  • Defense death sound
  • Defense shoot sound

2D Side-Scroller Horror Game

Pathway – The pathway for this would be the art pathway as I will not need too much technical things for this idea.

Basic Storyline – The player is trying to escape a submarine that is being attacked by a kraken. The aim of the game is to reach an escape pod while jumping over a series of obstacles.

Game Mechanics – The mechanics I would need in this game are:

  • Some sort of trigger or interaction system for the switch to escape.
  • A health system.
  • A timer to escape in.
  • A Win Condition.
  • Triggers to activate jumpscares/sounds.

Visual Style – The visual style I would use is a similar style that is used in the games Limbo and Inside:


Assets – Some assets I would need for this game would be:

  • Player
  • Obstacles
  • Kraken (Tentacles, Eyes)
  • Parts of the submarine (Engines, Pipes)
  • Background objects (Beds, Consoles)

Characters – The characters in this game would be:

  • Player (Unnamed)
  • Kraken
  • Cabin Crew

Sound – Some sound I would need to implement into this game are:

  • Player footsteps
  • Water drops/leak sounds
  • Crashes
  • Screams
  • Ambient Sounds (Echoes, wind, breathing)
  • Switch sound
  • Escape sound
  • Death sound

2D Top-Down Survival RPG

Pathway – the pathway I would choose for this is the technical pathway as a survival game would need a hunger system and a crafting system.

Basic Storyline – You are a traitor that has been banished from your pirate crew. You are left marooned on an island with nothing but a bottle of rum and a pistol with one bullet in the chamber. You must gather resources to survive and try to escape the island.

Game Mechanics – Some mechanics I would need for this game are:

  • Health System
  • Crafting System
  • Hunger System
  • Resource Gathering System
  • Building System

Visual Style – Pixel Art

Assets – Some assets I would need for this game are:

  • Character
  • Camp
  • Harvesting Tools
  • Tile Map
  • Boat
  • Inventory
  • Pause Menu
  • Title Logo

Characters – As this is a survival game the only character would be the player.

Sound – Some sound I would need for this game is:

  • Ambient sounds – sea, seagulls
  • Player’s footsteps
  • Player death sound
  • Crafting Sound
  • Win Sound
  • Harvesting Sound